While filling feeders with an assortment of seeds is an ongoing task for bird lovers in winter, you can also supplement that food supply with the most natural method of all: growing plants that...
Category: Facts
A bright yellow songbird, the American goldfinch is a common sight in most parts of North America. At about five inches in length, the American goldfinch, a member of the finch family, may be...
If you are someone who loves feeding birds, you know how expensive it can get to keep supplies on hand, especially in the cold winter months. For that reason, buying in bulk makes a lot of...
It’s a great idea to offer several different types of food to birds in winter, and suet is one of the easiest and best available. Some birds who never visit seed feeders will be delighted to...
The ivory-billed woodpecker, or Campephilus principalis, is one of the most mysterious birds in North America, with a storied past. Today, while there’s a distinct possibility that the species...
Because of their protein content, mealworms are an important food for birds in the wild. You can help them get that food and develop their muscles by feeding mealworms to birds. If you haven’t...