Love in the Wild: A Hidden Camera Captures the Heartwarming Moment of a Doting Eagle Doing Everything to Please His Wife!


The story of Jackie and Shadow, the eagle pair from Big Bear Valley, California, is a beautiful example of how animals have personalities, emotions, and unique relationships.

Through the lens of the Friends of Big Bear Valley’s eagle camera, viewers can witness the daily triumphs and squabbles of these eagles, which often feel familiar to our own human relationships.

One incident where Jackie demanded Shadow’s catch and eventually won the meal highlights the unique dynamics and personalities of the eagle pair.

Jackie’s assertiveness and desire to get the best treats show her strong personality, while Shadow’s accommodating nature and willingness to let Jackie be the boss demonstrate his personality as well.

“Jackie always gets her way,” says Sandy Steers, executive director of Friends of Big Bear. Surely, she [Jackie] thought, “the one who lays the eggs around here should get the best treats.”

This incident also reflects how animals have their own social hierarchies and rules, and they communicate and negotiate with each other to establish and maintain these hierarchies.

In the case of Jackie and Shadow, it seems that Jackie’s dominant personality has allowed her to establish her position as the boss in their relationship.

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Interestingly, Jackie and Shadow’s connection is unique because eagles usually mate for life, but Jackie’s previous mate conceded to Shadow, and they began their life together. 

“This sounds weird, but you can tell that Jackie has a lot more respect for Shadow than she did for her previous mate.”

Despite being a bossy lady with a big heart, Jackie has a lot of respect for Shadow, who is reliable and accommodating. They are the perfect match, and their personalities and emotions are on full display for the world to see.

“Shadow and Jackie are the perfect match. He’s very tender toward Jackie and lets her be the boss.”

The eagle camera has allowed nature lovers to see wildlife in a way they usually wouldn’t, developing deeper feelings of empathy toward the natural world.

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It’s a reminder that animals are not just instinct-driven beings but have personalities and emotions just like us.

The story of Jackie and Shadow is a beautiful example of this, and it’s fascinating to watch their daily lives unfold in front of our eyes.

“[Jackie and Shadow] demonstrate how much personality and emotion animals have that very often people dismiss as instinct. You can’t watch them for very long and not think there’s more going on than just chemicals in their body.”

The life of this pair of eagles highlights their personalities and dynamics and gives us a glimpse into the complex social lives of animals.

Updates about this eagle pair can be found on their Facebook page.

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