In a quaint neighborhood, Ann Dixon found herself entangled in a peculiar problem.
Day after day, an unknown benefactor persistently deposited bread into the birdbath adorning her front lawn. Initially assuming it was the work of a passerby, Dixon’s annoyance grew with each messy encounter.
“I thought that a passerby was putting it in there,” Dixon shared. “I was annoyed that they were feeding the birds bread as I know it’s not an ideal diet for them and because it made the water very messy. I used to scoop it out if I caught it in time and change the water.”
Her compassion for the avian visitors conflicted with the bread’s unsuitability for their diet.
She resorted to scooping out the bread and changing the water, hoping to deter the mysterious bread-bringer.
Dixson knew it was important to maintain the bird bath for the health of the visiting birds.
Despite Dixon’s sign, the bread offerings persisted. Even french fries started appearing in the water.
In exasperation, Dixon yearned to unveil the identity of the culprit.
One fateful day, she witnessed a crow perched on the edge of her lawn, proudly clutching a bread roll in its beak.
Locking eyes with Dixon, the crafty corvid strutted across the yard and gracefully alighted upon the birdbath’s rim, depositing the bread roll into the water.
The truth finally revealed itself, leaving Dixon dumbfounded. It was the crow all along.
“I saw a crow on the edge of my lawn with a full bread roll in his mouth,” Dixon stated. “He eyeballed me, and I stood very still. He then continued to strut across the lawn and fly up onto the edge of the birdbath, and then he deposited the bread roll into the water. The penny dropped that he was the culprit. I was gobsmacked; my face would have been a picture. I raced inside to tell my husband as I had been bellyaching to him for weeks about this random bread.”
The revelation shattered Dixon’s assumptions about her neighbors, replacing it with a comical realization of the clever crow’s intention.
No wonder her sign had gone unnoticed — the avian mischief-maker couldn’t comprehend its message.
With the mystery solved, Dixon removed the note, surrendering to the daily visits of the feathered thieves. Though the bread persists, Dixon has found solace in the whimsical antics of her avian visitors.
Now, her curiosity shifts to the origin of the bread, a new enigma waiting to be unraveled. But for now, Dixon embraces the avian camaraderie and saves the mystery for another day.