Hilarious Cat Talks Smack to Birds With Purr-fect Timing (With Video)


Prepare to be entertained by the amusing and captivating world of feline behavior.

One of the cats’ most intriguing habits is their talent for engaging in what can only be described as “talking smack” to birds.

And in a viral video that’s taking the internet by storm, one daring cat showcases this talent in all its glory.

Enter Spooky, a black cat with a name befitting his mischievous nature. Shared by TikTok user @winstonandspooky, this hilarious video captures Spooky in action.

Despite being an indoor-only cat, Spooky fearlessly converses with the birds outside in a chatter-filled conversation.

He’s all squawk and no action, showcasing his playful bravado without any intention of backing it up.

It’s no secret that cats are natural-born hunters. While they may not often succeed in capturing a bird, the act of talking smack to their outdoor counterparts serves a greater purpose. 

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Birds may indeed be scared or alerted by the chattering sounds made by cats.

This chattering can catch the attention of nearby birds and cause them to become wary or fly away to avoid any potential danger.

However, it’s worth noting that birds have varying sensitivity levels and may react differently depending on their individual experiences with cats.

Some birds may be more cautious and easily spooked, while others may be less affected.

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Nevertheless, when a cat spies a bird, it provides mental stimulation and entertainment for them.

These interactions keep them engaged, active, and entertained, even within the confines of an indoor environment.

These unique sounds and exaggerated body movements are endlessly amusing to witness.

You can keep both cats and birds safe while enjoying the company of both. If outdoor cats are in your area, keep feeders in a safe place, create bird-friendly landscaping with dense cover, and keep perches up high off the ground.

Check out this video of Spooky talking smack to birds:



The squaking never ends #catsoftiktok #cattok #insidecat

♬ original sound – Winston and Spooky

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