Dawn Lausier embarked on a quest around a picturesque cove in Portland, Maine, searching for a rare bird that had been sighted the previous day.
Although she couldn’t locate the elusive creature, fortune smiled upon her when she encountered a snowy egret, beckoning her to capture its beauty through her lens.
“This snowy egret was close to the trail, so I was happy to get a chance to take a few shots of it. I took two pictures with my cell phone and one or two with my DSLR camera,”Lausier recounted with enthusiasm.
Unbeknownst to Lausier, she had unwittingly captured more than just the elegant egret.
Upon reviewing her photographs at home, she stumbled upon a perplexing revelation. The second picture left her in awe as she scrolled through her cell phone images.
Above the snowy egret, a peculiar reflection resembling a ghostly apparition materialized, unsettling her.
Baffled by this ethereal occurrence, Lausier embarked on a quest for answers.
She sought acquaintances’ opinions, delved into her own knowledge, and scoured the vast depths of the internet, yet a conclusive explanation for the enigmatic ghostly figure eluded her grasp.
“Most people have said it’s a cool picture. Some claimed it [was] a messed up setting on my camera or a corrupt memory card. Thing is, it was a cell phone picture, automatic settings, and no memory card. I take lots of pictures with my cell phone [and] haven’t had this happen before or since then.” Lausier shared.
The mysterious image continued perplexing all who beheld it, leaving Lausier with a lingering sense of uncertainty.
While she offered a theory regarding the interplay between the snowy egret’s white plumage and the dark waters, she remained unconvinced of its complete validity.
“Not sure exactly what happened, but thinking [it’s] likely because [of] the contrast between the white of the bird and the dark of the water,” Lausier stated. “You sometimes see something similar when trying to take a picture of the sun or moon and seeing another bright spot in the picture; however, that’s usually with a mirrored camera.”
Whether this captivating photograph harbors a logical explanation or a glimpse into the supernatural realm, the truth remains elusive.
The timeless question persists: Was it a trick of light or an encounter with the ethereal?